Churching with a baby – Is it worth the effort?


Coming to church with a baby can seem a fruitless endeavour – they often need a feed, a nappy change, a sleep, sometimes get noisy – and don’t get me started on the STUFF that needs to be brought along! 

I want to encourage families in this situation that it IS worthwhile when you persevere in coming to church, for yourself and others.

What are the benefits?
  • It keeps you in the habit of coming to church. You know it is part of God’s plan for His chosen people to gather together, don’t let having a baby become a justifiable excuse. This is especially important when there are other older siblings around – church attendance becomes part of their normal routine, not just when Mum & Dad are up to it.
  • Your attendance encourages others (with or without kids) who have also had to muster the will to attend.
  • Even if you do not get to hear the sermon*, you will most likely have been able to join in communal worship & prayer, chat with and encourage others and be part of God’s gathered people.
We don’t go to be at church, we go to be the church!
* Sermon recording is not a new phenomenon – I remember my Mum dubbing taped sermons on our twi deck 25 years ago. Technology means we barely have to make any effort these days to find and listen to sermons at a time we can concentrate.

2 thoughts on “Churching with a baby – Is it worth the effort?

  1. Pingback: Churching with a baby – Crèche v’s Crying Room? | Christian Parenting for Christ's Sake

  2. Pingback: Punctuality implies Priority – (hopefully) helpful tips | Christian Parenting for Christ's Sake

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