How will your Kids remember Easter?

Will it be chocolate, holidays, hunts for eggs or Jesus?

Chocolate and holidays and hunting for eggs are all good and fun things to do with your kids this Easter, but which will leave the lasting impression on your kids? I have no doubt that Jesus will get a mention in there too when you go to church, during your family bible readings and when the chocolate has caused such a sugar hit and selfish hoarding that “Easter isn’t all about chocolate, you know!” gets blurted out. Our kids are bombarded with bunnies, Easter eggs, sales, holidays, etc from school, their friends and TV commercials.

So, how can we as Christian parents make Easter about Jesus more than chocolate/holidays/fun? This is, after all, the reason He came to Earth – to die for our sins, conquer death by rising from the tomb and is now preparing a place for those who trust in Him in heaven! This is the gospel of Jesus, the climax of the bible and yet gets relegated to obscurity by the world we live in.

The way Jesus entered the world gets a two-day holiday, but the way He left it gets FOUR! Easter is a BIG DEAL for Christians! He died for our sake, we didn’t deserve it, we cannot earn it and without His sacrificial death we were destined for an eternity separated from our loving father in heaven. Easter is the crux (excuse the pun) of Christianity, if we leave its’ celebration to be over-awed by chocolate, holidays or anything else then we are not parenting for Christ’s sake and His name is not being glorified as He deserves.

How will YOU make sure Easter is about Jesus more than chocolate/holidays/fun?

I’d love to read your comments and ideas.


Do you find these posts helpful in parenting to the Glory of God?
If you do, then I’m sure others would too. 

Please SHARE these posts, and in doing so pray for a generation of kids who have had the gospel of Jesus taught & modelled to them by their parents.

Seeking to Grow

A new year at church often brings with it new opportunities to connect with a small group of people for support, encouragement, prayer, reading and learning more about God through His Word and spurring each other on to grow (mature) in our lives of obedience to our good God. This is why my church intentionally calls such groups Growth Groups as opposed to bible study groups or community groups. Yes, the bible is studied and community sought, but growth is the primary goal.

It is lovely as a married couple to attend such a group together, but often highly impractical unless you host the group in your home. Seeking, for yourself and others (including your spouse),  to grow in knowledge and trust in Jesus far outweighs any desire to be in a group together.

How do you talk about and model your involvement in such a group with your kids? Here’s a few tips on how to do this well to help your children understand the purpose and value of growth groups:

1. Be explicit about where you are going.
Whether your group is an evening or daytime group, you still have the opportunity to tell your kids what you are doing when you go out. “Good night sweetie, Daddy’s going to growth group to read and learn from the bible. Sleep tight, I’ll see you in the morning” helps to model a love for God’s Word and a desire to be grown by it.

2. Prioritise and be punctual.
It might mean that Growth Group night is one of seven in the week when there is just one bedtime story (or none) instead of three so you can get there on time. Is this robbing your kids of affection? No, it is showing you respect the other members of the group, value its purpose of growing and don’t want to miss any of it. It is exactly why you prioritise getting to your child’s [insert sporting/dance/arts performance here].

3. Facilitate your spouse’s attendance.
Having your children hear phrases like “I’ll do the dishes tonight darling, you go get ready for growth group” or “I’ll pay those bills today during my lunch break, I’d rather you get to growth group”  will reinforce your love for each other and help them see that desiring Christian growth in their spouse (God willing) is honouring to God.


Do you find these posts helpful in parenting to the Glory of God?
If you do, then I’m sure others would too. 

Please SHARE these posts, and in doing so pray for a generation of kids who have had the gospel of Jesus taught & modelled to them by their parents.